
Esai Fanmeeting Lee Junho💛

Hellooow, kembali lagi dengan saya, hahaha. Tapi sekarang lagi ga dikejar-kejar deadline kok. Deadline tetep ada sih, tapi aku emang lagi kabuur, escape from my dim reality, atau escape dari patah hati. WQWQWQ. Aku mau cerita satu lagi best moment di 2023 yaitu...nonton Fanmeeting Lee Jun Ho!!!!! Hahaha, maaf ya Jinan, kukira ditinggal kamu wamil aku ga akan berpaling. Ternyata, dengan mudahnya aku meleyot ke Lee Jun Ho dan 2pm... Tapi asli, aku jadi se-nge-fans itu sih sama 2pm. Sayangnya, mereka lagi ga comeback kan, jadi sepi konten. Mereka sebenernya ada konser di Seoul, tapi, yakali aku samperin. Dan lagi, tiketnya sold out cepet bangettt. Btw, aku nonton Fanmeeting Lee Jun Ho ini cuma jarak 1 minggu dari konser iKON Take Off. 1 MINGGU!!! WKWKWK. Aku bahkan ga berani izin ke orang tua. Tapi kata Marlo, "Lebih mudah minta maaf, daripada minta izin". Jadi, kupraktek-kan lah pepatah itu. Aku baru bilang ortu bener2 tepat sebelum berangkat ke Jakarta lagi. Dan, yak, aku mint

iKON Take Off in Jakarta❤️

  😊😊😊🙏🏻 Kenapa ya? Setiap punya deadline, setiap 'seharusnya saat ini aku sedang bekerja', aku malah buka blog. My safest 'pelarian', wkwkwk. Yaudah lah ya. Here we go. Sebenernya tulisan ini ada di notes HP ku. Aku seneng banget jadi aku segera tulis supaya ga lupa. Now, I get the chance to move it in my blog, hahaha. This is a story about my experience watching iKON Take Off concert in Jakarta, 2023. Oiya, aku kepikiran buat post ini gara2 habis nonton video di chanel YouTube Rereaksi yg nyeritain pengalaman nya nonton konser iKON. Aku jadi keinget deh pengalaman itu. One of the best moments in 2023. Seneng banget deh nonton video itu. Kayak relaaaate banget. Dia juga seneng banget dan terharu pas nonton iKON. Seneng banget karena di real life aku ga ada temen iKONIC, wkwkwk. Jadi ga pernah bisa kayak nge-hype-in iKON bareng, gitu. Makanya aku suka nontonin video2 reaction iKON. Seneng liat orang2 tu juga seneng dan enjoy sama iKON :) Ok, back to my story...... A

Heart break

Wow, life do changes soooooo quickly. In the morning, I was so excited, I went out despite the rain, I called someone, I talked excitedly, and then. I wanted to cry. SO MUCH. My heart breaks. Why??? Why??? Why??? So, I do cry, at night. Without any sad song. Without any sad scene in a movie. Just because I think about you. :"(

New nickname :p

 Yaampun aku sudah absen nulis blog setahun lebih. Dan sekarang ini aku harusnya lagi kerja. Tapi seperti biasa, aku akan menemukan 1001 distraksi untuk bisa menunda-nunda pekerjaan. Wkwkwk. Tahun 2023 sebenernya banyaaaaaak banget cerita. Lulus S2, nonton iKON di korea lagi, nonton iKON di jakarta tapi cuma 1 lagu terus harus pulang ngejar kereta, tiga minggu berturut-turut bolak-balik jogja-jakarta-jogja-jakarta-jogja-singapura demi iKON, Lee Junho dan Esmo, daaan a reunion setelah cek ombak yang ketiga kalinya. Wkwkwk. Tapi di post kali ini aku cuma mau nulis, I got new nicknames. Jupi, this is how dr Kartika (me in the future?) calls me. Jupi, Jupi, cah cilik. LOL. And, mbak Yufai. Wkwkwk. That's all. Bye, see u next time.

Summer Trip to South Korea 2022, part 7: Airport Drama season 2

Finally, last day and last part in South Korea. As I had morning flight, I thought around 10 o'clock, we had to checked out at 6 a.m. So sleepy. We took bus to the train station, took the airport train, and arrived in Incheon airport after an hour. We went to terminal 1 since my e-ticket from says so. We take it easy because we still had enough time. We had breakfast with Ugly bakery we bought yesterday. We even had a chance to go to rest room to finish our business not in a hurry. Ah, and I even able to send an email. After that, we started to look for my check in counter. I was looking for "Garuda Indonesia" flight in the big screen, but found none. OMG. Where is Garuda Indonesia? We took courage to ask someone using uniform, that highly possible were airport staff. We informed my flight number and he replied, "This flight is in Terminal 2". OMG OMG OMG. I was quite panicked, but fortunately that staff told us how to go to Terminal 2 = by shuttle bus

Summer Trip to South Korea 2022, part 6: Non-stop Raining

Finally, arrived in part 6 aka the sixth day in Seoul (?) But, unfortunately, that day in the morning, iKON departed to Japan to hold their concert. Hiks. Maybe that's why Seoul was raining all day, literally raining all day. Seoul was raining without iKON. Seoul was crying because I wanna go home :( Wkwk. So, today, despite the rain, we decided to explore Hongdae. First, we had a meal in The Halal Guys. Sad, because it was below our expectation. Not tasty. Then, we found Kakao shop, so we took a tour there. After that, we found Line shop! We searched for it all day when in Myeongdong but we found none. When we didn't look for it, it popped out. We bought a Brown coin wallet for our youngest. It was still raining. We went to arcade to play Bishi Bashi!! Our childhood game that no longer available around us. But, because a long hiatus, I couldn't play well. Actually, I wanted to go to Karaoke or photo booth, but at the end deciced not to go to save money. We went to Famous B

Summer Trip to South Korea 2022, part 5: Hello again, Seoul!

Welcome to part 5, last day in Daejeon before heading back to Seoul. Hmm, actually, we were planning to go to Busan or Namhae instead of Seoul again. But we thought we couldn't make it, and it was costly. Nah, bye bye Busan T.T Again, because I was do soooo little research before going to Korea, we were confused what to eat for breakfast. We will go to Seoul by train in the afternoon and go to Daejeon Museum of Art in the morning. So, we decided to have breakfast with convenience store food. I had a porridge and corn salad. I forgot what my brother ate. My breakfast. I wanna eat those again :' We went to Daejeon Museum of Art (DMOA) by bus and walking. Oh no, I still haven't recovered but you asked me to walk again. Actually, I found DMOA from Instagram reels, we can have Instagram-able photos there. But, turns out we couldn't enter that area. Hmm, dunno why. We ended up just wandering around the DMOA building, don't know what to do. Took some pictures and went home