
Showing posts from 2021

2021: It is already more than 6 months!!

Hi again. It's been a long time not to write anything in my blog. As you know, today is July 4th. And wow, time flies. So, I just want to write how have I been this year and some random stuff.  Corona is still around, and yet the condition is getting worse nowadays. I supposed to go to Bandung this weekend, I already prepare my itinerary:  - eat sandwich in Roti Gempol  - eat topokki and chicken in Gildak  - eat a burger in Brother John and Son  - eat kind of pancake (?) in Baby Dutch something  - eat tahu gejrot in Kios-K.  But, it got cancelled due to a worsening pandemic. Andweeeeeeee . I thought I can still make it, "annual dose of Bandung". In 2020, I went to Bandung in January. Unfortunately, maybe I can't go there this year :((  Last year, 2020, I hardly recall what I have done. I spent mostly at home, doing my research assistant related work. I submit an abstract to a conference in March. My friend and I really worked hard on it. I spent my birthday writing th