
Showing posts from 2022

Summer Trip to South Korea 2022, part 3: Move to Daejeon

  26 June 2022 We had to check out today and move to Daejeon, where my brother lives. We had breakfast earlier, around 8 a.m bcoz we want to go to Namsan Park in the morning. After having breakfast, we started to walk to Namsan direction. The road was going up and up and up again, and we didn't find any sign indicating Namsan Park. My brother tried to look for a bus, bcoz we were quite tired of walking. But, when we were heading to the bus shelter, my stomach started to act. Aaaaa, I need to go to toilet! Like ASAP, like right now. I suggested my brother to go to Namsan alone but he refused, so we ended up heading back to our stay. I walked as fast as possible while holding my breath. I gave my bag to my brother and asked him to give me the room key so I can walk faster. I walked faster, and finally reaching our stay. I went to the elevator, and sadly I wasn't alone. I was afraid I might fart, bcoz if I farted, the smell will be worst. I tried to calm down and hold my breath. P

Summer Trip to South Korea 2022, part 2: Journey to iKON Concert

Hello again, I will continue my story in South Korea. 25th June, 2022 That day, around 10 a.m, my brother and I went to Gyeongbokgung Palace (I googled the name of the palace first, because I forgot, hehe). He said that, you haven't been in Korea if you didn't go to Gyeongbokgung Palace. Alright, lets go. It was very sunny and hot that day, and Geyongbokgung Palace was soooooo spacious. We took many photos and quite exploring the palace. We didn't explore all area bcoz we were exhausted, and OMG the heat. After, maybe nearly 2 hours, we left to have lunch. My favourite photo in Gyeongbokgung Palace We went to Slow, Cali to eat rice bowl (?) with raw fish. We ordered, one set menu consisted of tuna rice bowl (with many salad), tomato soup, and juice. It was soooo hot, so I drank the juice and ate many ice cubes. We also sat near the fan. The food was plenty and delicious. Actually, it was one person portion. But, I don't think I can finish a bowl, so we just bought 1. Sl

Summer Trip to South Korea 2022, part 1: Airport Drama and Long Time No See

Hello from the other siiiide...... It's me again and now I wanna talk about my trip to South Korea!!! OMG OMG OMG. This is really happening. OMG I am so proud of me. This is my very first solo travelling abroad. And it's not that frightening and now I am addicted to go abroad. It is surely an amazing experience. But, of course, my journey, my adventure, was not that smooth. Many dramas, LOL. And bcoz I went to South Korea to see a concert, I couldn't freely pick a date. And the most heart-breaking part was the flight ticket price. It was too expensive. Bye bye my money. I will save hardly for the next 6 months to cover up my trip expenses. CRY T.T I went to South Korea at 23 June, 20.50 or 21.50 (hehe, I forgot) flight with Asiana airlines from CGK, Jakarta to ICN, South Korea. From Jogjakarta, I went by train at 22 June, 23.00 o'clock and arrived in Jakarta in the morning. It was Thursday, and I still had to manage my job by Whatsapp. Beside, I still need to get an ant

iKON Concert from the starch

 Hello, its me... I have 5 drafts and right now I am concentrating to write them. Hopefully I can write it nicely. Bare with me. The first story that I want to talk about is, iKON Flashback 2022 concert. I've never been this ambitious, for a long time, maybe since high school, and then this moment came to me. You know that my heart was full on April bcoz BigBang comeback, then iKON announced that they will have concert in Seoul, 25-26 June 2022. OMG I have to watch it no matter what!!! The first thing that I do after read the poster on Instagram was screaming inside, trembling, and messaging my close friend, Nida'. Unfortunately, Nida already had a plan in May, so she can't go with me to South Korea in June. Nida' is going to Bali for holiday. *sobbing* *with whom I have to go?* But, I can't be 100% happy, bcoz buying concert ticket means WAR! So, I tried my best. I even wrote iKON concert related schedule on my monthly plan, with many "heart" sign, of cou

My Heart Was Full on Early April 2022

Minggu pertama April 2022 Wah gila sih, minggu pertama April ini buanyak banget kejutan nya. Bahagia sekaligus sedih, terharu, ah, pokoknya campur aduk. Hati ini rasanya penuh, gak kosong kayak biasanya, wkwkwk. Pertama, akhirnya MV BigBang rilis juga. Gila gila gila, reaksi-ku adalah: gila ini sedih banget dan bikin terharu banget. Aku yang bukan VIP aja se-terharu ini apalagi yang VIP ya. Aku tu baru into kpop tu ya semenjak pandemi ini, dan baru di tahun 2021. Tapi sejak SMA udah jadi casual listener nya kpop karena kalo karaoke pas SMA pasti ada kpop di playlist. Tapi kayaknya pas SMA aku dikelilingi Elf, jadi tau sedikit lebih banyak lagunya Suju kayak Mr Simple, Sorry sorry. Sisanya BigBang cuma tau Bang Bang Bang, 2pm cuma tau Hand Up, trus playlist wajib lainnya Rolly Polly, sama 2NE1 yang I am the best dan Lonely. Reaksi untuk MV BigBang Still Life: - Pangling banget sama Taeyang, di awal MV berpikir keras ini siapa. Taeyang ada Daesung? Tapi kok gak mirip 2-2-nya. Apa member

A Best Day in March 2022

 21 Maret 2022 Sebenernya cuma mau mindah tulisan di notes sama foto di galeri HP ke blog supaya yang di HP bisa dihapus, hehe. Mon maap ni, memori HP udah very very very limited :( Jadi, di sekitaran minggu ini tu sebenernya buanyak buanget deadline. Like , buanyak buanget. Akibat sering menunda-nunda pekerjaan sehingga kerjaan makin menumpuk. Terus kalo sore tiap pulang tu rasanya capek dan cuma pengen rebahan. Malemnya, ngantuk terus ketiduran. Gini aja terus kapan selesainya. Huff Nah, di hari Senin tanggal 21 Maret 2022, sebenernya ya udah bertekad minggu ini harus lebih produktif dari minggu lalu. Tapi, ternyata, hawa nafsu masih menang ketimbang niat bekerja. Paginya tiba-tiba Ipeh nge- chat , ngajak karaoke (sebelumnya emang udah sempet janjian mau karaoke, cuman belum tau kapan, nunggu Ipeh libur). Tanpa babibu , langsung mengiyakan. Sorenya, pulang kerja langsung Sholat Ashar dulu, terus cabut ke Happy Puppy Seturan. Untungnya hari ini hari Senin, jadi ada promo GrabDay tar

Ada apa dengan grab hari ini?

Mau curhat singkat, wkwkwk. Dari diriku yg emang short tempered alias gampang marah ini. Bukan marah sih, tapi kayak gampang kesel gitu. Padahal lagi puasa, wkwk. Jadi, seperti biasa, hari ini aku beraktivitas dengan grab bike. Berangkat pagi, biasanya tu dapet driver yg itu-itu aja, kayak udah langganan. Kalo gak A, B, C, ya D. Pokoknya dah apal. Eh, pagi ini dapet driver yg asing. Lokasi si driver sebenernya deket. Tapi ditunggu 2 menit, 4 menit, 6 menit, 8 menit, gak gerak-gerak. Akhirnya aku memutuskan, sampe 10 menit ga ada kabar dan gak gerak juga, aku cancel. Udah 10 menit, cancel. Trus pesen ulang, dapetnya driver itu lagi dong. Hmm, langsung istighfar karena dah mau mengumpat. Ya lumayan sih, kali ini driver nya ngasih kabar. Dan pada akhirnya nyampe juga. Begitu sampe, jok motornya agak basah sedikit. Langsung bete. Soalnya ini kan pagi ya, masih harus aktivitas seharian. WK Sebenernya yang penting selamat sampai tujuan ya. Astaghfirullah.. Sampe destinasi pertama, melakukan

July-October 2021: Fire Nation Attack!!

Hello, it's me again. I've resumed my life this year from January until June, and now I will continue to talk about my life. Hehe. Suddenly, I am not sure about July. What happened in July? I think, there was no something special. I still felt exhausted, I worked every Monday to Friday and became a full-time iKONIC on weekends. But, fire nation attacked, only a few days before July ended. In Indonesia, we called it, " sebelum negara api menyerang " August was like a bomb. I am so stressed out. Many ups and downs. It really really stressed me out :( Ah, I started to remember. July was peaceful. I managed to arrange my work and prepare research for my thesis. On July 27th, I was working from home and I planned to do a literature review for my research. I had prepared everything so I could concentrate and finish my reading target. And suddenly, I got a text message (no, actually it was a WhatsApp message) from my colleague in Cofight organization. She asked me if I have